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Flash 10.2 preview for portable browsers

Update: version 10.2 final has arrived! You should get it there rather than this preview version, as it most likely fixes bugs and/or security issues.

Adobe are getting Flash 10.2 ready in their labs. This is still a preview version, though, but that’s the one I’m using and frankly it seems stable enough. If you prefer the old but stable version, you can get it in this other post. Otherwise read on. First, the usual reminder about where to unpack the file:

  • Firefox Portable: Data/plugins
  • Opera USB: program/plugins
  • Iron Portable: Iron/plugins
  • Chrome Portable: get Iron you freak! :p

On a side note, on Windows 7 64, those files, if installed using the Adobe installer, are found in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash.

Now the files (NPSWF32.dll and flashplayer.xpt) themselves. Those are the Windows 32 bits versions (work fine on my Windows 7 64 bits though, while the 64 bits Flash… just doesn’t work… weird, I guess this has something to do with my browsers being still 32 bits or something).

Once again, this is an early PREVIEW version. Plus this repack is in no way an official Adobe release, it’s an home-made repack.

Posted in Adobe, Chrome/Chromium/Vivaldi, Firefox, Flash, Opera, portable software.

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