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Independent and light tools to follow trains in France

Found this a bit randomly while traveling, and they’re quite convenient as opposed to fat bloatware “apps” that may take hundreds of MB on your smartphone, and tend, more and more, to require bloody Google Play Services to run even though they don’t actually need it (hurray for that stupid kill-switch that more and more applications include for no good reason except to exclude people who got rid of Google Play crap).

So, for national trains, this one is nice, although it’s not entirely real time, as some pages may show just the schedule (which should be good enough in most cases anyway): They actually have some trains from other countries, too, notably Germany, Belgium, some US states.
For instance, here are the details of TGV 7660: Note how it even gives you the top and average (theoretical) speed.

For trains, buses, and trams of Île-de-France (Paris region):
On the plus side, it’s an easy way to check and follow (it keeps auto-refreshing) a few stations. On the minus side, it’s limited, for some reason, to following 5 stations, which in my opinion is a bit tiny. Also worth noting that public transportation in Paris tends to not follow the schedule very accurately, so even though I believe those are all live data, don’t expect them to be accurate more than a few minutes ahead…

Posted in travel.

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