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Some R errors explained

Post drafted in 2010, and eventually published as is because I never found time to finish it

R error messages are usually clear but also are to deal with sometimes. For instance, in Error in text.rpart(fit) : fit is not a tree, just a root the problem is crystal clear (the tree has no branch) but the fix isn’t exactly obvious… I’ll list here errors of this kind as I encounter them.

Error in plot.rpart(fitvariable) (or in text.rpart) : fit is not a tree, just a root

The tree has no branch. Apart from bad input data, it can most likely be caused by the intercept only model begin the best: rpart has decided that the best model it can find is a tree with no branches at all, which of course can’t be drawn. So the fix is: you’ll need to provide a better model to try 😉

Posted in published drafts, statistics.

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