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Picture of the day

Just spotted this during my evening check, thought it might be fun to post.
Load average=23
Proof that the load average isn’t necessarily limited to the amount of cores… nor even to 3 times that: the computer is a 6 core Opteron 4174 HE (Lisbon).

Text version? (sorry, didn’t manage to catch one that high):

top - 00:09:50 up 1 day, 10:02,  1 user,  load average: 20.48, 18.38, 18.03
Tasks: 268 total,  10 running, 258 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  3.2%us,  5.3%sy, 89.9%ni,  0.1%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  1.4%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  16461568k total, 16360988k used,   100580k free,   437928k buffers
Swap: 20477944k total,    99972k used, 20377972k free,  9237988k cached

30033 mjnew3    30  10  172m 148m 6748 R   61  0.9   0:35.00 mono
28955 mjnew4    30  10  228m 203m 6644 R   42  1.3   1:26.99 mono
29635 mjnew2    30  10  178m 151m 6632 R   39  0.9   0:53.26 mono
29321 mjnew7    30  10  171m 125m 6708 R   39  0.8   1:08.93 mono
30058 mjnew1    30  10  146m 126m 6652 R   37  0.8   0:32.10 mono
30429 mjnew6    30  10 97916  75m 6600 R   35  0.5   0:10.12 mono
30355 mjnew8    30  10  129m 105m 7172 R   34  0.7   0:16.95 mono
29024 mjnew9    30  10  188m 164m 6632 R   32  1.0   1:21.37 mono
31578 mjnew8    30  10 1072m 666m 8860 S   32  4.1  72:30.70 mono
30526 mjnew5    30  10 80480  58m 6444 S   32  0.4   0:05.93 mono
 2657 mjnew9    30  10  751m 546m 8804 S   21  3.4  74:17.89 mono
30211 mjnew3    30  10  628m 423m 9204 S   20  2.6  57:29.68 mono
  645 mjnew7    30  10  720m 466m 8864 S   18  2.9 145:05.25 mono
 9094 mjnew2    30  10  746m 505m 9052 R   17  3.1 108:43.22 mono
14730 mjnew4    30  10  464m 362m 9088 S   17  2.3  17:19.03 mono
 8670 mjnew1    30  10  786m 521m 8744 S   16  3.2 109:02.06 mono
18787 mjnew6    30  10  774m 511m 9064 S   16  3.2 182:14.48 mono

One more (a bit lower):
Load average=23

Posted in funnies, Linux, Totally pointless.

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