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Kill a spammer save a kitten

As you probably noticed, I’ve slowed down on the updates since a few months. I try to at least make one or two posts a months, so that at least there isn’t any hole in the archive listing, so all in all I sometimes end up making short posts (such as this one ^^). I still spend time almost daily here, just cleaning the spam comments. The captcha is basically broken, it probably still catches a few spammers but most are actually stopped by the Stop Spammer Registration plugin, which checks IPs against the SFS database.

Since installation, around a year ago I believe, it reportedly stopped 79576 spammers… Which still leaves room for about 5 comments a day which I have to manually delete and report to the database. Plus a few malicious ***** who manage to bypass the block (I really wonder how, maybe this is fixed now since it hasn’t ocured in a while) and which I had to ban via .htaccess. Considering that in the same time this site got around 250k visits, this means that for every 4 real human visitors there’s one bot dropping a “bad” comment.

Anyway, just saying, this is bloody time consuming for a non-productive activity. So, remember that everytime you slay a spammer God saves a kitten 😉

Posted in Totally pointless.

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