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Where to find the gnupg keyring in Windows

I’m quietly preparing for an OS reinstall, so I’m trying not to leave behind program data that could be a PITA to recreate later. The Firefox and Thunderbird profile folders are among those (note to self: really, really, don’t forget those), PuTTY too (note to self: look for the bloody folder), and so is my GnuPG keyring.
It can be found in %appdata%/gnupg (generic form of C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\gnupg). Interestingly, all config files are there too (you know, the gpg.conf with which you can do some cool stuff such as picking a stronger default hashing or encryption algorithm, or making gnupg ask you for a signature trust level when you sign a key), and some master key, etc.

NB: the keyring is actually spread over several files:
pubring.gpg (public keys)
secring.gpg (private keys)
trustdb.gpg (trust info about the keys, I suppose)

Update (2014-08-19): in gpg.conf, you may want to add:
personal-cipher-preferences AES256 TWOFISH AES192 AES
personal-digest-preferences SHA256 SHA512 SHA384
personal-compress-preferences BZIP2 ZLIB ZIP

Posted in GnuPG & co.

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