I recently set up a new computer at work, and it uses Windows 10. That famous Windows that gives you even less control over your computer than the previous ones, going decreasingly with every new “Creator Update” or whatever fancy name they call those Service Packs.
As usual, I went to Services to locate and disable those that seem useless. Among those, one stood out: “OneSyncSvc_381d9”. As I tried to disable it via the “Services” control panel, it wouldn’t let me, saying “The parameter is incorrect” whenever I would try to set its startup type to “Disabled” or just “Manual”.
So I looked for another way to disable it, and the registry (if you still don’t know it, just run “regedit”) did the trick. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OneSyncSvc_381d9
, and then modify the Start
DWORD value. 0 means “boot”, 1 means “system” (not sure what those 2 do, I don’t see any service using those values), 2 means start automatically, 3 means start manually, 4 is what interests us here and means disabled.
All other services can be configured there, although OneSyncSvc is actually the only service I didn’t manage to tame via the Services panel, simply by going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[service name]
Bonus: little list of useless services that you can most likely smash:
– Connected User Experiences and Telemetry
– Downloaded Maps Manager
– dmwappushsvc
hey, thanks a lot. worked great
Thanks, *whew* finally just what I wanted to know, without the fluff.