(NB: exceptionally, this article is written in French because it’s targeted at a French, non-English speaking audience – sorry for the inconvenience)
GNT (Génération Nouvelles Technologies) est un site de news IT. Les news y sont généralement intéressantes, mais les commentaires sont souvent peuplées de trolls. Il est possible de bloquer des utilisateurs, mais il faut être inscrit et abonné. Voici un script qui vous permettra de bloquer des utilisateurs directement via Greasemonkey (pas la peine donc de se connecter et/ou s’abonner). Notez que je mentionne Greasemonkey car c’est l’extension la plus connue, mais si vous êtes sous Chrome/Chromium/Vivaldi/etc, le script marche aussi avec Tampermonkey.
Pour utiliser le script, installez-le puis modifiez la liste des utilisateurs bannis (pour l’exemple j’ai bloqué “Bruno” et “Bruno2”): il suffit de changer ou ajouter des noms dans la liste “configBannedUsers”.
Télécharger le script (installation directe dans Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey)
/*********** Copyright (c) 2016 PatheticCockroach - https://www.patheticcockroach.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***********/ // ==UserScript== // @name GNT Ban Hammer // @namespace GNT_Ban_Hammer // @description Ignore specified users on GNT // @version 1 // @encoding UTF-8 // @include http*://*.generation-nt.com/* // @grant none // @author PatheticCockroach - https://www.patheticcockroach.com // @license MIT License // @url https://notepad.patheticcockroach.com/4262/script-greasemonkey-pour-bloquer-un-utilisateur-sur-gnt/ // ==/UserScript== // Configure here your list of banned users let configBannedUsers = ["Bruno","Bruno2"]; const GNT_Ban_Hammer_REPEAT_INTERVAL = 100; const GNT_Ban_Hammer_REPETITIONS = 30; const GNT_Ban_Hammer_RESTART_INDEX = 0; let GNT_Ban_HammerCount = 0; let hideParentOfComUserDiv = function(comUserDiv, userName = "") { console.log("GNT Ban Hammer: blocking user \"" + userName + "\""); comUserDiv.parentNode.innerHTML = "User "+userName+" blocked by GNT Ban Hammer"; }; let nodeInnerHTMLContains = function(node,text) { return (node.innerHTML.indexOf(text) > -1) || (node.innerHTML == text); }; let GNT_Ban_Hammer_start = function(){ console.log('GNT_Ban_Hammer_start running'); // commentaire let comUserDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('comm_user'); for(let comUserDiv of comUserDivs) { for(let bannedUser of configBannedUsers) { if(nodeInnerHTMLContains(comUserDiv, bannedUser)) { hideParentOfComUserDiv(comUserDiv, bannedUser); } } } // tribune summary let tribuneUserSpans = document.getElementsByClassName('tribune-nick'); for(let tribuneUserSpan of tribuneUserSpans) { for(let bannedUser of configBannedUsers) { if(nodeInnerHTMLContains(tribuneUserSpan, bannedUser)) { hideParentOfComUserDiv(tribuneUserSpan.parentNode, bannedUser); } } } // tribune full let tribuneUserDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('pm_user'); for(let tribuneUserDiv of tribuneUserDivs) { for(let bannedUser of configBannedUsers) { if(nodeInnerHTMLContains(tribuneUserDiv, bannedUser)) { hideParentOfComUserDiv(tribuneUserDiv, bannedUser); } } } if (GNT_Ban_HammerCount++ < GNT_Ban_Hammer_REPETITIONS) { setTimeout(GNT_Ban_Hammer_start, GNT_Ban_Hammer_REPEAT_INTERVAL); } else { GNT_Ban_Hammer_armPagination(); } }; let GNT_Ban_Hammer_restart = function() { console.log('GNT_Ban_Hammer_restart running'); GNT_Ban_HammerCount = GNT_Ban_Hammer_RESTART_INDEX; setTimeout(GNT_Ban_Hammer_start, GNT_Ban_Hammer_REPEAT_INTERVAL); }; let GNT_Ban_Hammer_armPagination = function() { let paginationDiv = document.querySelector('.pagination'); paginationDiv.onclick = GNT_Ban_Hammer_restart; /* paginationDiv.innerHTML=''; let paginationDivInner = document.querySelector('.pagination'); let paginationLinks = paginationDiv.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(let paginationLink of paginationLinks) { paginationLink.onclick = GNT_Ban_Hammer_restart; } */ }; GNT_Ban_Hammer_start(); // the part below is just here as a quick check that there is no runtime error var input=document.createElement("input"); input.type="button"; input.value="GreaseMonkey Button"; input.onclick = showAlert; document.body.appendChild(input); function showAlert() { alert("Hello World"); }
Impec Merci !
J’ai ajouté ceci pour bloquer les commentaires qui citent les utilisateurs bloqués :
// commentaire citation
let comTextDivs = document.getElementsByClassName(‘comm_text’);
for(let comTextDiv of comTextDivs) {
for(let bannedUser of configBannedUsers) {
if(nodeInnerHTMLContains(comTextDiv, bannedUser)) {
hideParentOfComUserDiv(comTextDiv, bannedUser);
Merci ! Et content de voir que ça marche encore Avec Firefox Quantum et tout, je pensais que mes scripts ne survivraient pas forcément…
Je consulte principalement le flux RSS du site : généralement il n’y a rien de neuf par rapport à mes autres flux, du coup je n’y vais plus très souvent et je n’utilise plus le script