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vsftpd quick installation cheat sheet

I recently had to set up an FTP server. I know right, who still uses FTP nowadays? Well apparently, some big people still do, and switching them to SFTP wasn’t an option. Luckily, I had an old self-made documentation from 2013 on how to set up all my server things, which at the time did include an FTP server, vsftpd. A quick search showed me that it still was the go-to software for this, so hurray, and here is what it said:

apt-get install vsftpd
Config file: /etc/vsftpd.conf
In this config file, uncomment the lines local_umask=022 and write_enable=YES.
At the end, add:

Command to restart: service vsftpd restart
guide: (RIP :/)

I suppose some things had changed, as this left me with a couple of errors/warnings.

First, I got an error message saying “vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()”. My quick fix was to add this to the above-mentioned config file:
But for more details, you may want to read this

Second, I got a message in FileZilla saying “Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead”. As the message suggests, it’s not breaking for FileZilla, which still managed to connect. However, it’s a problem for some clients. My final fix was to add this to the config:
#pasv_address=[server IP]

Turns out passive mode wasn’t enabled by default in my case, pasv_enable solves that.
Then I had a firewall issue, as I used to believe FTP uses just port 21, but I learned on this occasion that passive mode will automatically use a random port between pasv_min_port and pasv_max_port. Since the server where I’m setting this up is behind a paranoid firewall and I have to open ports one by one, I set them both to the same value. Not sure what the implications are compared to multiple random ports.
The last line I just kept commented out for safe-keeping, as I found it as a possible solution but it turned out it didn’t help, and I found there that it seems best to keep it unset.

And that’s about it, all working now. Although it could probably use some security tweaks. My priority here was “just make that damned thing work”.

Update 2021-03-31

It was brought to my attention that FTP needs one port per concurrent transfer, so having pasv_min_port = pasv_max_port means the server will only accept one concurrent transfer. Good enough for my use case, but you may want to keep a wider range for yours.

Update 2021-09-03

Coming back to this machine half a year later, I got that “Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead” message from Hell again. Despite no change in the config.
So I dug up some more, and eventually found this. Long story short, my pasv_address was IPv4, so I had to set listen_ipv6=NO and listen=YES (the default is the other way around, for some strange reason).
Problem solved (again). Until it reappears again?

Posted in FTP, servers.

Github got a dark mode, yay :)

Since it’s been ages since I last posted, and since I don’t really have any idea in the pipeline (nor any time to find one), I thought this would be a nice way to say I’m still alive ^^

So, Github finally got a dark theme. You can enable it there:

If like me, you’ve been using Dark Reader, it won’t make much of a visual difference, but still, I find Dark Reader to be tremendously detrimental to browser performance, so any time I can disable it and replace it with a native dark mode is very, very much appreciated.

Posted in Internet, programming.

TIL WebRTC fully bypasses SOCKS proxies

I knew WebRTC could (or rather, would) leak your real IP if you were trying to hide it behind a SOCKS proxy (or even behind a VPN), and this is why I disabled it in my main browsing profiles. But with the world-wide Covid confinement and all, I’ve had to use it quite a bit more (yay, let’s not use Mumble, let’s use Google freaking Hangout/Meet…), so what was bound to happen happened: while in a meeting, I eventually had connection trouble. Not a total connection loss, though, just very short interruptions, enough to cut off my SOCKS proxies but to keep anything else running fine.

And it struck me: despite my SOCKS proxies being all suddenly disconnected, the meeting went on. The freaking WebRTC had been ignoring the freaking proxy all the time. So it doesn’t just leak your IP here and there, it “leaks” it (not sure I should say “leaks” rather than just “uses”) constantly. Yikes. Not that it matters much, but still WTF. What a crappy protocol, thanks W3C (and all the creeps that work on or advocate for that plague).

Maybe a setting that would prevent this in Firefox:
No idea why the hell they don’t enable it by default though.
(cf also

Posted in privacy.

Migrating from request to got (part 2)

As I said in a previous post, I recently had to ditch request. I found about got as a replacement because it was mentioned a couple of times in the request deprecation ticket.

One of the first things I liked about got is that they provide a pretty extensive comparison table between them and alternatives. To be honest, when reading this table I was first drawn to ky, as I’m always interested in limiting dependencies (and dependencies of dependencies) as well as package size. But ky is browser-side only. Damn.

So I had a quick look at got’s migration guide, and it seemed easy enough (plus it had promises, yay). You’ll probably find it’s a great place to start, and maybe it will even be all you need. I still had to dig a bit more for a few things though.

The first one is that, by default, got will throw an exception whenever the return HTTP code isn’t 200. It might sound like a perfectly normal behavior to you, but I was using at least one API that would return a 404 code during normal operations (looking at you, MailChimp), and I certainly didn’t expect that to throw an exception!
The solution to that (apart from rewriting your code to deal with exceptions in cases were you used to deal with return data another way) is to set throwHttpErrors to false in your request parameters (cf example code at the end of this post).

The second one was to get binary data, but actually in this case I find got much clearer than request: in order to get binary data with request, you need to set encoding to null in the parameters. With got, you’ll replace that with responseType: "buffer".

Some other small things: the typings (@types/got) are better than request’s, at least concerning the request parameters, which means you’ll probably have to cast some fields there (for instance, method isn’t a string but a "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" ...). And the timeout is, as I understood, different in got and request: in request, it’s a timeout before the server starts responding, while in got I believe it’s the timeout before the server finishes responding. Interesting for me as sometimes I use request/got to download files, and I’m interested in dealing with slow download speeds if they happen to occur.

Finally, here are a couple of functions as they were with request and how they became with got:

function requestFile(url: string): Promise<Buffer> {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let requestParameters = {
      method: 'GET',
      url: url,
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'binary/octet-stream'
      // *Note:* if you expect binary data, you should set encoding: null (
      encoding: null,
      // todo: find a way to have timeout applied to read and not just connection
      timeout: 2_000
    request(requestParameters, (error, response, body) => {
      if (error) {
      } else {

async function requestFile(url: string): Promise<Buffer> {
  const reqParameters = {
    method: <'GET'>'GET',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'binary/octet-stream'
    responseType: <'buffer'>'buffer',
    timeout: 3_000,
    throwHttpErrors: true
  const response = await got(url, reqParameters);
  return response.body;

function sendApiRequest(
  method: 'DELETE' | 'GET' | 'POST',
  route: string,
  body?: any,
  headers?: headersArray): Promise<any> {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let requestParameters = {
      method: method,
      url: this.API_ROOT + route,
      body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : null,
      headers: <{'API-Authorization': string; [key: string]: string}>{
        'API-Authorization': this.apiKey
    if (headers) {
      for (const h of headers) {
        requestParameters.headers[] = h.value;

    request(requestParameters, (error, response, body) => {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        const parsedBody = JSON.parse(body);
        let res: any;
        if ( res =;
        else res = parsedBody;

async function sendApiRequest(
  method: 'DELETE' | 'GET' | 'POST',
  route: string,
  body?: any,
  headers?: headersArray
): Promise<any> {
  const reqUrl = this.API_ROOT + route;
  let reqParameters = {
    method: method,
    headers: <{[key: string]: string; 'API-Authorization': string}>{
      'API-Authorization': this.apiKey
    body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined,
    retry: 0,
    responseType: <'text'>'text',
    throwHttpErrors: false // seriously what a shitty default
  if (headers) {
    for (const h of headers) {
      reqParameters.headers[] = h.value;

  const response = await got(reqUrl, reqParameters);
  const parsedBody = JSON.parse(response.body);
  let res: any;
  if ( res =;
  else res = parsedBody;
  return res;

Posted in JavaScript / TypeScript / Node.js, programming, web development.

Migrating from tslint to eslint and from request to got (part 1)

Last month was unexpectedly busy, update-wise, as 2 major dependencies I use for work-related projects suddenly announced, barely a few days apart, that they were being discontinued. The first was tslint, which probably every TypeScript developer has at least heard of once (~3.4M weekly downloads at the moment). The second was request, which probably every Node developer who’s ever had to make an HTTP request has already heard of.

Both projects had become pretty quiet, update-wise, so I probably could have seen this coming earlier had I paid attention more carefully. Anyway, replacements were easy to fine: tsling clearly suggested eslint, request didn’t suggest a particular replacement, but got and a few other seemed obivously widespread.

Part 1: From tslint to eslint

I installed eslint globally. Which isn’t recommended for some reason, but works perfectly fine for me. You’ll most like also need a couple of plugins for TypeScript, namely:
npm i -g eslint @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser

A key tool in the migration was tslint-to-eslint-config. Running it is as simple as npx tslint-to-eslint-config (after, if you don’t have it already, npm install -g npx). It provides an .eslintrc.js file that’s a good basis for you new eslint rules. Except that it’s in JavaScript and I definitely wanted JSON. I also created a base config file from eslint itself, via the eslint --init mentioned in getting started. And then I basically combined those.

Finally I browsed my code with the new rules, either fixing the new violations or adding rules for them. In the end, I couldn’t match my tsling rules perfectly, but I had just about 20 lines (on a ~30k lines codebase) that required a change that I was unhappy with, mostly about indenting and typecasting.

Last but not least, here are my config files:

Old tslint.json:

  "defaultSeverity": "warning",
  "extends": [
  "jsRules": {},
  "rules": {
    "array-type": [true, "array"],
    "arrow-parens": [true, "ban-single-arg-parens"],
    "curly": [true, "ignore-same-line"],
    "eofline": true,
    "max-classes-per-file": [true, 3],
    "max-line-length": [true, {"limit": 140, "ignore-pattern": "^import |^export {(.*?)}|class [a-zA-Z] implements |//"}],
    "no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": false,
    "no-consecutive-blank-lines": [true, 2],
    "no-console": false,
    "no-empty": false,
    "no-shadowed-variable": false,
    "no-string-literal": true,
    "no-string-throw": true,
    "no-trailing-whitespace": true,
    "object-literal-key-quotes": [true, "as-needed"],
    "object-literal-shorthand": [true, "never"],
    "object-literal-sort-keys": false,
    "one-line": [true, "check-catch", "check-finally", "check-else", "check-open-brace"],
    "only-arrow-functions": [true, "allow-named-functions"],
    "prefer-const": false,
    "quotemark": [true, "single", "avoid-escape"],
    "semicolon": [true, "always"],
    "trailing-comma": [true, {"multiline": "never", "singleline": "never"}],
    "triple-equals": [true, "allow-null-check", "allow-undefined-check"],
    "variable-name": [true, "ban-keywords", "check-format", "allow-leading-underscore"],
    "whitespace": [true, "check-branch", "check-decl", "check-operator", "check-module",
      "check-separator", "check-rest-spread", "check-type", "check-type-operator","check-preblock"]
  "rulesDirectory": []

New .eslintrc.json (yes, it’s a hell lot bigger):

  "env": {
    "es6": true,
    "node": true
  "extends": [
  "globals": {
    "Atomics": "readonly",
    "SharedArrayBuffer": "readonly"
  "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2018,
    "sourceType": "module"
  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/array-type": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/camelcase": ["warn",
        "properties": "always",
        "ignoreDestructuring": false,
        "ignoreImports": true,
        "genericType": "never",
        "allow": ["child_process"]
    "@typescript-eslint/class-name-casing": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/interface-name-prefix": ["warn", { "prefixWithI": "always" }],
    "@typescript-eslint/member-delimiter-style": [
          "multiline": {
              "delimiter": "semi",
              "requireLast": true
          "singleline": {
              "delimiter": "semi",
              "requireLast": false
    "@typescript-eslint/member-ordering": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-extra-parens": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-new": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-namespace": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-parameter-properties": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/prefer-function-type": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/prefer-namespace-keyword": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/quotes": [
          "avoidEscape": true
    "@typescript-eslint/semi": ["warn", "always", {"omitLastInOneLineBlock": true}],
    "@typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference": "warn",
    "@typescript-eslint/unified-signatures": "warn",
    "array-bracket-spacing": ["warn", "never"],
    "arrow-parens": ["warn", "as-needed"],
    "arrow-spacing": ["warn", {"after": true, "before": true}],
    "brace-style": ["warn", "1tbs", {"allowSingleLine": true}],
    "camelcase": "off",
    "comma-dangle": ["warn", "never"],
    "comma-spacing": ["warn", {"before": false, "after": true}],
    "complexity": "off",
    "computed-property-spacing": ["warn", "never", { "enforceForClassMembers": true }],
    "comma-style": ["warn", "last"],
    "consistent-this": ["error", "self"],
    "constructor-super": "warn",
    "curly": ["warn", "multi-line", "consistent"],
    "dot-notation": "warn",
    "eol-last": "warn",
    "eqeqeq": ["warn", "always"],
    "func-call-spacing": ["warn", "never"],
    "guard-for-in": "off",
    "id-blacklist": [
    "id-match": "warn",
    "indent": [
        "SwitchCase": 1,
        "MemberExpression": "off",
        "FunctionDeclaration": {
          "parameters": 1,
          "body": 1
        "FunctionExpression": {
          "parameters": 1,
          "body": 1
        "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"},
        "ArrayExpression": "off",
        "ObjectExpression": 1,
        "flatTernaryExpressions": true,
        "ignoredNodes": []
    "keyword-spacing": ["warn", {"after": true, "before": true}],
    "linebreak-style": ["warn", "unix"],
    "max-classes-per-file": ["warn", 3],
    "max-len": ["warn", {"code": 140, "ignoreComments": true}],
    "new-parens": "warn",
    "no-bitwise": "warn",
    "no-caller": "warn",
    "no-cond-assign": "warn",
    "no-console": "off",
    "no-constant-condition": "off",
    "no-debugger": "warn",
    "no-empty": "off",
    "no-eval": "warn",
    "no-fallthrough": "off",
    "no-invalid-this": "off",
    "no-multi-spaces": "warn",
    "no-multiple-empty-lines": ["warn", {"max": 2}],
    "no-new-wrappers": "warn",
    "no-shadow": ["off", {"hoist": "all"}],
    "no-throw-literal": "off",
    "no-trailing-spaces": "warn",
    "no-undef-init": "warn",
    "no-underscore-dangle": "off",
    "no-unsafe-finally": "warn",
    "no-unused-expressions": "warn",
    "no-unused-labels": "warn",
    "no-unused-vars": "off",
    "no-useless-constructor": "off",
    "no-useless-rename": "warn",
    "no-var": "warn",
    "no-whitespace-before-property": "warn",
    "object-curly-spacing": ["warn", "never"],
    "object-shorthand": ["warn", "never"],
    "one-var": ["warn", "never"],
    "prefer-arrow-callback": "warn",
    "prefer-const": "off",
    "quote-props": ["warn", "as-needed"],
    "quotes": ["warn", "single", {"avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": true}],
    "radix": "warn",
    "semi": "off",
    "semi-spacing": ["warn", {"before": false, "after": true}],
    "space-before-blocks": ["warn", { "functions": "always", "keywords": "always", "classes": "always" }],
    "space-before-function-paren": ["warn", {"anonymous": "never", "named": "never", "asyncArrow": "always"}],
    "space-in-parens": ["warn", "never"],
    "space-infix-ops": ["warn", { "int32Hint": false }],
    "space-unary-ops": [2, {"words": true, "nonwords": false, "overrides": {}}],
    "spaced-comment": "off",
    "switch-colon-spacing": ["error", {"after": true, "before": false}],
    "unicode-bom": ["warn", "never"],
    "use-isnan": "warn",
    "valid-typeof": "off"

Note that some ESLint rules have been enhanced with TypeScript support in typescript-eslint. In case you want to use the typescript-eslint version, you should set the eslint version to “off” to avoid conflicts.
List of ESLint rules:
List of typescript-eslint rules:

Part 2: From request to got

To be continued in another post, as this one got huge enough already!

Posted in JavaScript / TypeScript / Node.js, programming, web development.

Linux bash script to update and start multiple MJ12node crawlers

This post is more of a note to myself. First here is the script, and explanations follow. For a first-time installation, refer to How to install MJ12node on Ubuntu 18.04.

tar xf mj12node_linux_v1721_net471.tgz
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeA
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeB
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeC
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeD
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeE
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeF
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeG
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeH
cp -r MJ12node/* MJ12nodeI
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeA; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeB; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeC; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeD; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeE; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeF; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeG; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeH; ./ -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeI; ./ -t; exec bash'

The first line downloads the file containing the new version (obviously, adapt with the proper URL).
Then we unpack it: its contents all goes into a “MJ12node” folder (again, adapt with the proper name).

Then we copy the contents of that new MJ12node folder into existing nodes. By default, cp should just overwrite without asking for confirmation. If not, you may want to look into this guide.

Finally, we launch each node in a dedicated and detached screen session. For this, this screen reference was pretty helpful as well as this StackExchange answer (wasn’t picked as the best answer, as it often happens with real best answers – meh).

Update (2021-11-23)

Since I recently had to set everything up again, some additions for 1st-time installation:

mkdir MJ12nodeA
mkdir MJ12nodeB
mkdir MJ12nodeC
mkdir MJ12nodeD
mkdir MJ12nodeE
mkdir MJ12nodeF
mkdir MJ12nodeG
mkdir MJ12nodeH
mkdir MJ12nodeI
chmod 744 MJ12nodeA/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeB/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeC/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeD/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeE/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeF/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeG/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeH/
chmod 744 MJ12nodeI/

(to mix it up with the commands listed higher, it’s first mkdir then cp then chmod then screen)

Additionally, I found a slightly more comfortable way to run in screen: the original version said things like screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeH; ./ -t; exec sh', but replacing sh with bash gives more features.

Also, here’s an updated list of dependencies for Ubuntu 21.10:
sudo apt-get install python mono-runtime libmono-sqlite4.0-cil bind9
It appears that libmono-corlib4.5-cil is no longer necessary and that Python isn’t installed by default now.
Bind isn’t strictly mandatory, but if you don’t have it or an equivalent, you’ll get a much higher DNS error rate.

Lastly, a tip to speed up configuring your nodes: you can just start and configure one node, then copy the config file to other (non running) nodes. You then just need to change the node name in the config file (config.xml => PeerNodeCfg => NodeName), and you’re all good to go.

Update (2022-11-27)

Reinstalling this into Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, package “python” is no more so I had to install python2 instead (yup, MJ12 is not python 3 yet 🙁 ). After a brief search, I couldn’t find a trivial way to solve “bash: ./ /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory”, so I also replaced the starting command with “python2”, so let’s recap:

sudo apt-get install python2 mono-runtime libmono-sqlite4.0-cil bind9

screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeA; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeB; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeC; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeD; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeE; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeF; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeG; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeH; python2 -t; exec bash'
screen -dm bash -c 'cd MJ12nodeI; python2 -t; exec bash'

Posted in servers, software.

aToad #27: Advanced REST Client

API testing tool

When I first looked for an API testing tool a few years ago, at first I found some stuff with really, really poor UX, and then someone recommended me Postman. It wasn’t very satisfying (seriously, all those tools aimed at developer or power-users and that don’t let you choose their installation folder… so stupid), but since I didn’t need to do much with it, I settled for making a portable version of it and using that.

That was until that time where I had to make an HTTP request with very specific headers. I found out that Postman adds a bunch of crap default headers, and… you just can’t turn that off. People have ranted about that major issues for years, and Postman hasn’t given a crap about it. Yup. There too.

Anyway, so I looked for something else, and I eventually found Advanced REST Client. Like Postman, it’s Electron-based, so it works pretty much everywhere. Unlike Postman, it’s free, libre, open-source software. And it allows crafting requests with no automatically enforced headers (note that by default it will add user-agent: advanced-rest-client and accept: */*, but this can be disabled in the settings).
Sadly they don’t provide a portable package but, on Windows, you can open setup.exe with, for instance, 7-Zip, and then manually extract $PLUGINSDIR/app-64.7z, which contains everything needed to run the 64 bits version of ARC.

Apart from the ability to finally have full controls of requests and headers and the fact that it’s FLOSS, here are other things I like about it:

  • it seems to work well with RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) (haven’t tried it yet)
  • it seems to work well with OpenAPI Specification (OAS) (ditto)
  • it allows setting up hosts rules (more convenient than editing the hosts file for testing purposes)
  • it seems to be pretty privacy-friendly, although it should be noted that data sharing is opt-out rather than opt-in

Last but not least, when you create a request, it shows you code to run it with cURL, JavaScript, Python, C and Java, as well as the raw HTTP request. Which is convenient for copy/pasting code, but more importantly which is great for knowing exactly what request was sent, without resorting to annoying tricks like running Wireshark (which is a bit ridiculous when you’re the one supposed to be in full control of the request in the first place)

Posted in A Tool A Day.

aToad #26: WinMerge

A feature-rich file comparison tool

I was just trying to compare the file list of 2 folders (just by filename, as the files were meant to be different, but with matching names). The first relevant thing I found was WinMerge. Since it seemed to be able to do the job, plus it’s open source, I gave it a spin. And I found out it does so much more. I haven’t actually tried any of those other features, but I noticed that it includes an hexadecimal editor (Frhed), as well as an image comparison component. So it seems to be able to do detailed comparison of binary files and pictures.

From the little I tried, it did the job (although I didn’t find anything to just compare files by name, it also forced me to compare by modification time or size, as far as I rememver). But the UI is quite intense and using the more complex features will probably require some trial and error… or just reading the manual a bit.

Posted in A Tool A Day.

Firefox Armag-addon fix script

It’s rather useless now, but it’s been sitting in my notepad for ages and I don’t have the heart to discard it. It’s still interesting stuff for certificates management.

For those of you who live in a cavern (or are still using Chrome despite knowing better), about 5 months ago, Firefox had a huge snafu: the certificate for signing add-ons expired and they didn’t see it coming (ikr), and since they are geniuses who pretend to know better than their users what’s best for them, signature is mandatory for add-ons. Long story short: all add-ons were disabled as soon as Firefox ran its daily(-ish) signature check.

One of the early fix consisted in delivering an add-on, via the channel used for telemetry/studies, which installed a new certificate. Some smart cookie extracted the certificate from said add-on, and some other one posted instructions on how to import said certificate just by using the browser console, which I found pretty cool.
So here you go:

// Firefox Armag-addon fix script
// Sources:
// -
// -

// Just run this in the browser console (Ctrl+Shift+J) (if you can't, set to enable in about:config, although the console available via Ctrl+Shift+I should do the trick too)

// 1) add the certificate from the hotfix
let intermediate = "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";
let certDB = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIX509CertDB);
certDB.addCertFromBase64(intermediate, ",,");

// 2) recheck all add-ons
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "XPIDatabase", "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.jsm");

Posted in Firefox.

Using DNSCrypt or DoH (or both) on Windows

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far the same, I setup my previous laptop with whatever was needed to send DNS queries to a DNSCrypt resolver instead of using my ISP’s.
At the time, it was kind of complicated (or at least tedious): I had to install dnscrypt-proxy, and because it had no caching mechanism, I had to also install Unbound on top of it. Both had to be installed as a service, ran at startup, Unbound had to listen to port 53 so that I could tell Windows to use as a DNS server, dnscrypt-proxy had to listen to some arbitrary port, and Unbound had to be configured to query that. Not very fun. And as I was short in time, I never bothered formalizing all this into something that looks like a proper-ish guide. Which discouraged my from doing the same setup on other computers. Until today.

I decided to give it another shot. First surprise, Unbound now has a quite better documentation, with a whole guide (on PDF) for Windows. Before downloading it, I checked out DNSCrypt / dnscrypt-proxy, fearing the worst: last time I check it, the project was abandoned, and it wasn’t very clear what would replace it. Nice surprise there, there are now a bunch of clients, with DNSCrypt-proxy at the top (probably a full rewrite since it’s version 2.x and written in Go). And yet another nice surprise: as I was checking the documentation, I was directed to Simple DNSCrypt, which seems to be the recommended way to install dnscrypt-proxy, if you want to avoid getting a headache.

I don’t have much to say about Simple DNSCrypt, it’s really easy to use indeed (as long as you have a vague idea about how DNS things work), and if I didn’t want an excuse to safe-keep the links above I could have just made a short “aToad” post about it. The default configuration is globally nice, I’ll just mention a few points/tweaks:

  • You’ll probably have to manually toggle on the DNSCrypt Service, and to configure your network card(s) to use it (no need to go dig into your Windows network settings, Simple DNSCrypt provides a one-click button for that and I don’t think you can miss it).
  • By default, DNSCrypt will be configured to automatically select any resolver with DNSSEC support + no logs + no filter. This includes a CloudFflare server, so you may want to disable this one. This also includes both servers that use DNSCrypt and servers that use DNS over HTTPS, which I find pretty neat.
  • The query log (default off) can be useful to check that your computer is actually using dnscrypt-proxy (but you may want to turn it off as soon as you’ve check, as I guess it will grow big pretty fast). It also show which DNS resolver the request is sent to, so you should notice that dnscrypt-proxy rotates between your chosen servers. Which is great for privacy… and makes it more harmless if you choose to keep CloudFlare in your list.
  • The advanced settings tab lets you enable/disable a DNS cache. It’s great because it means I don’t need Unbound on top of it. However, the default value for the cache (256 entries) isn’t appropriate for me (I run a web crawler, so a value of 2048, for instance, sounds better) and it cannot be edited from the UI. To change it, you need to shut down Simple DNSCrypt (and possible dnscrypt-proxy too, not sure about that), then modify the cache_size line in C:\[path to Simple DNSCrypt]\dnscrypt-proxy\dnscrypt-proxy.toml.

It also has more advanced features, like a domain blacklist, which might be more comfortable than using the good old HOSTS file (although beware it obviously won’t block anymore if your system somehow switches back to your ISP’s DNS), and a “cloak and forward” feature, which I haven’t looked into (and I’m not sure what this does ^^)

I’ve been using this for a few days. So far, no issue, no extra latency, no abnormal DNS error rate in my web crawler… Looking good! And since it’s so easy to set up, I’ll probably put it in all my other computers soon 🙂

Posted in Internet, software, Windows.