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[Titanium] How to detect if an application is running in simulator

Testing for a virtual device can be useful for a variety of features not or poorly working in those, for instance push notifications (last time I tried it just seemed to block the execution) or the camera (as mentioned in this post, on a virtual device you could replace the camera with a “fake” one by loading a picture from the disk).

The Ti.Platform.model variable should contain all you need to determine whether or not you’re running on a real device. On the iOS simulator it will return “Simulator”, on an Android emulator it will return something like “google_sdk”. So a way to test for it would be simply:

if (Ti.Platform.model === 'Simulator'
 || Ti.Platform.model.indexOf('sdk') !== -1 ){
    alert('This is a virtual device');

(sorry for the poor indentation, WordPress makes it pretty tough :s)


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